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Student visa requirements


✓ Visa Conditions


✓ Packaging arrangements

Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) :

Genuine temporary entrant requirement is an integrity measure to ensure that the student visa programme is used as intended and not as a way for international students to maintain ongoing residency in Australia.

The GTE requirement applies to all international student visa applicants. The officer assessing the visa application considers whether the individual circumstances of the student indicate that their intention is for a temporary stay in Australia.

From 1 July 2016, when assessing the genuine temporary entrant criterion, education providers will consider the requirements set out in Ministerial Direction 69 (700KB PDF), such as:

✓  The applicant’s circumstances

✓  The applicant’s circumstances in their home country

✓ The applicant’s potential circumstances in Australia

✓ Value of the course to the applicant’s future

✓ The applicant’s immigration history

✓ Any other relevant matters.

Student visa conditions



The table below describes the conditions that apply to all student visa holders.

Conditions that apply to all student visa holders
Condition number Who this applies to Description
8105 All students You cannot work more than 40 hours per fortnight when your course is in session (other than work which has been registered as a part of the course). A fortnight means any period of 14 days commencing on a Monday and ending at the end of the second following Sunday.

You can work for more than 40 hours per fortnight during recognised vacation periods offered by your education provider.

You cannot start paid work until you have started your course in Australia.

No work limits apply if you are studying a Masters by research or Doctorate course in Australia.

8202 All students You must remain enrolled in a registered course (unless you are a Foreign Affairs or Defence sponsored student or secondary exchange student in which case you must maintain full-time enrolment in your course of study or training).
You must maintain enrolment in a registered course that is the same level as, or at a higher level than, the registered course for which you were granted a visa.You must maintain satisfactory attendance in your course and course progress for each study period as required by your education provider.
8501 All students You must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance during your stay in Australia.
Note: Under policy, you must maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
8516 All students You must continue to satisfy the requirements for grant of your student visa. This means, for example, that you continue to have sufficient financial capacity to support your study and stay in Australia.
8517 All students You must maintain adequate schooling arrangements for your school-age dependents who joined you in Australia for more than 3 months as part of your student visa application.
8532 All students If you are younger than 18 years of age, you must have  accommodation and support, and your general welfare must be maintained for the duration of your stay in Australia.

To maintain your welfare, you must stay in Australia with:

· your parent or legal custodian

· a relative who has been nominated by your parents or custodians who is aged over 21 and is of good character

· have accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements in place that have been approved by your education provider.
You must not change your arrangements without the written approval of your education provider.

If your welfare arrangements are approved by your education provider you must not travel to Australia until your welfare arrangements start.

8533 All students You must tell your education provider:

· the address where you live in Australia within seven days of arriving in Australia

· if you change the address where you live within seven days of the change

· if you change education provider within seven days of receiving the electronic confirmation of enrolment certificate or evidence of enrolment.

8535 DFAT/Defence sponsored students While you remain in Australia, you are not entitled to be granted a further substantive visa, other than:

· a protection visa

· a Student visa (subclass 500) granted on the basis of support from the Commonwealth government or a foreign government.

Note: The effect of this visa condition is that, except in extremely limited circumstances, it will not be possible for you to remain in Australia beyond the date authorised by your visa.

8203 All Iranian citizens studying higher education or postgraduate courses You must not change your course of study, or your thesis or research topic, unless approval is given by the Department after it has obtained an assessment from the competent Australian authorities. If you are considering changing your thesis, major or research topic you must complete Form 1221 – Additional personal particulars information (PDF 290KB) and submit to Adelaide.student.centre@border.gov.au. Your subject line must be ‘8203/8204 assessment’.
8204 All Iranian citizens studying higher education or postgraduate courses We must grant approval for you to start or change a:

· graduate certificate

· graduate diploma

· master’s degree

· doctorate

· a bridging course that is a prerequisite to a course of study or research for a master degree or a doctorate.

You must not start or change course unless we have given approval and we have obtained an assessment from competent Australian authorities. If you are considering changing your course, you must complete Form 1221 – Additional personal particulars information (PDF 290KB) and submit toAdelaide.student.centre@border.gov.au. Your subject line must be 8203/8204 assessment.

The table below describes the conditions that might be attached to a student visa. You can find your visa conditions in VEVO.

Conditions that might be attached to a student visa
No. Who this might apply to Description
8303 Any student You must not be involved in activities that are disruptive to, or in violence threaten harm to, the Australian community or a group within the Australian community.
8534 Any student While you remain in Australia, you are not entitled to be granted a further substantive visa, other than:

· a protection visa

· a Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485)

· a Student Guardian visa (subclass 590).

8535 Students sponsored by the Commonwealth or a foreign government while you remain in Australia, you are not entitled to be granted a further substantive visa, other than:

·  a protection visa

·  a Student visa (subclass 500) granted on the basis of support from the Commonwealth government or a foreign government

Note: The effect of this visa condition is that, except in extremely limited circumstances, it will not be possible for you to remain in Australia beyond the date authorised by your visa.

lect your current passport

Student visa conditions for members of your family unit

The visas of members of your family unit have conditions that your family must comply with.

Conditions that might be attached to your family members
Condition number Who this applies to Description
8104 All family member visa holders You cannot work more than 40 hours per fortnight. A fortnight means the period of 14 days starting on a Monday.
You must not start work until the primary student visa holder has started their course.
Exceptions – family members of the following students can work unlimited hours once the primary student visa holder has started their course:· students studying a master’s by coursework degree· students studying a master’s by research degree or doctorate.
8201 All family member visa holders who are over 18 years of age You cannot study for more than three months while in Australia. This condition applies to student dependent visa holders who were 18 years of age or older when the visa was granted.
8516 All family member visa holders You must meet the requirements for your student visa.
For example, you must continue to be a member of the family of the primary applicant and you must continue to have enough money for stay in Australia.
See: Applying for a Student Visa
8501 All family member visa holders You must have health insurance during your stay in Australia. You must maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
8204 All Iranian citizens We must grant approval for you to start or change a course or a thesis or research topic for a:

· graduate certificate

· graduate diploma

·  master’s degree

·  doctorate

· bridging course that is a prerequisite to a course of study or research for a master degree or a doctorate.

You must not start or change course without approval from the Department and the Department has obtained an assessment from competent Australian authorities. If you are considering changing your course you must complete Form 1221 – Additional personal particulars information and submit toAdelaide.student.centre@border.gov.au. Your subject line must be ‘8203/8204 Assessment’.

8303 This is not a mandatory condition but we might apply it to any student family visas. You must not be involved in any activities that are disruptive to, or in violence threatening harm to, the Australian community or a group within the Australian community.
8518 All family member visa holders under 18 years of age Schooling arrangements must be maintained while in Australia.

This condition applies to dependant student  visa holders who are under 18 years of age, while they are in Australia.

8534 This is not a mandatory condition but we might apply it to any student family visas. You are not entitled to be granted a further substantive visa, while you remain in Australia, other than:

· a protection visa

· a Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa

·  a Student Guardian (subclass 590) visa.

The effect of this visa condition is that, except in extremely limited circumstances, you cannot stay in Australia beyond the date on your visa.

Documentary evidence of financial capacity

From 1st July, 2016 international student in Australia planning to study on a student visa need to provide evidence of financial capacity by providing one of the following:

  1. Travel Expenses
  2. Living costs for the first 12 months of your stay in Australia
  3. Course fees for the first 12 months of study
  4. Income level of your parents or spouse

 Living costs would be as follows for a 12 month period:

✓ $19,830: main applicant

✓ $6,940: partner or spouse

✓ $2,970: for each dependent child

✓ $8,000: schooling costs for dependent children

Students can show funds by showing evidence of one of the following:

✓ Deposits with a bank or financial institution

✓ Loan from a financial institution or government

✓ Scholarship or sponsorship

There is no restriction in terms of who can provide financial support, and this is quite different to the current student visa framework.

Income Requirement

Your spouse or your parents will need to show official Government documentation (i.e., a tax assessment) of their income which has been issued in the 12 months prior to application. The minimum income required is as follows:

✓ $60,000: single applicant

✓ $70,000: applicant with dependents

✓ This could be difficult to establish if you are from a country with low per capita income levels.

Genuine access to funds

Students and accompanying family members must have enough money genuinely available during stay in Australia.

Genuineness of funds will take into account factors including:

✓ the nature of the relationship between you and the person who is providing the funds, where applicable

✓ your income, assets and employment or those of the other person who is providing the funds

✓ your previous visa history and that of the person providing the funds.